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Alejandro Quiroga Fernandes de Soto

He holds a PhD in Government from the London School of Economics. He is a Beatriz Galindo Senior Researcher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Reader in Spanish History at Newcastle University.


Alessandro Batistella

PhD in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).

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Alexandre de Almeida

Professor of Human Rights Education at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) and a post-doctoral researcher in the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF).


Ágnes Judit Szilágyi

Professor associated with aggregation of the Department of Universal Modern and Contemporary History at ELTE University.


Antônio Rago Filho

Full professor at the Santo André Foundation University Center and full professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo


Áagnesgnes Judit Szilágyi

Associate Professor with aggregation from the Department of Contemporary World History at ELTE University


Álvaro Garrido

Professor associated with aggregation at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra, where he coordinates the group of Economic and Social History.


Ángela Pérez del Puerto

PhD in Contemporary History from the Autonomous University of Madrid since 2015 and PhD in Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures from the University of Tennessee since 2016


Carlos André da Silva de Moura

Adjunct Professor in the History Department at UPE. Post-doctor in the History Department of UNICAMP, with an internship as Senior Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL)


Cláudia Maria Ribeiro Viscardi

Full Professor of the Department of History and the Graduate Program in History at UFJF. PhD in Social History and researcher at CNPq.


David Almstadter Mattar de Magalhães

Professor of International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC / SP) and the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP)


David Nemer

Professor in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Virginia, USA


Denise Rollemberg

Adjunct Professor, Department of Strategic Studies and International Relations, Institute of Strategic Studies, Universidade Federal Fluminense


Diego Orgel dal Bosco Almeida

Adjunct Professor I of the Department of History and Geography at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC)


Duncan Simpson

Born in Paris, France. After obtaining his bachelor's degree at the London School of Economics and King's College London (intercollegiate degree), he obtained his master's and doctorate (Calouste Gulbenkian Scholarship) at King's College London, with a thesis on the relationship between the Catholic Church and the New Salazar State ( 2011)


Eduardo Heleno de Jesus Santos

Adjunct Professor, Department of Strategic Studies and International Relations, Institute of Strategic Studies, Universidade Federal Fluminense


Everton Fernando Pimenta

Fabio Gentile

Fábio Chang de Almeida

Bachelor's degree in History from the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP)

He holds a degree in Modern Literature from the “L'Orientale” University, Naples, Italy

PhD in History from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) with an internship (Junior Visiting Fellow) at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS / UL)


Federico Finchelstein

Associate Professor of History at New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College. In addition, he is the director of the Janey Latin American Studies program


Fernando Perlatto Bom Jardim

Adjunct Professor of Contemporary History, Department of History, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF)


Filipa Raimundo

Assistant professor in the Political Science Department at ISCTE-IUL and principal investigator of the FCT JUSTLY project Assessing and explaining the result of transitional justice in the world


Francisco Carlos Palomanes Martinho

Professor in the area of Iberian History at the Department of History at the University of São Paulo.


Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva

PhD in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense with research internship at Universidade Livre Berlin.


Gabriel Onofre

Graduated in History from UFF, Master from CPDOC and PhD in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)


Gabriela Gomes

PhD in History from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires


Gerardo Caetano

Historian and Political Scientist. PhD in History, National University of La Plata, Argentina.


Gilberto Grassi Calil

Adjunct Professor at the State University of Western Paraná. Doctor in Social History from Universidade Federal Fluminense and Post-Doctorate at University of Porto.


Gizele Zanotto

Gustavo Alves Alonso Ferreira

Guilherme Ignácio Franco de Andrade

PhD in Cultural History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and Post-Doctorate from the Universidad de Buenos Aires.

PhD in History from the Federal Fluminense University (UFF). Author of Cowboys do Asfalto: country music and Brazilian modernization (2015), thesis published by Civilização Brasileira.

PhD in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUC / RS. Member of the editorial board of Revista Oficina do Historiador and Member of the editorial board of Revista Hominum.


Hernán Ramírez

Degree and Bachelor in History and Master in Political Parties by the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and Doctor in History by UFRGS. He held a postdoc in the area of Political Science at IUPERJ.


Hélgio Trindade

Doctor in Political Science from the Institut d´Etudes Politiques de Paris / Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne).


Joan María Thomàs Andreu

Professor of contemporary history at Rovira i Virgili University, author of eleven books on Spanish fascism; the Franco regime; and US-Spain relations during World War II.


João Fábio Bertonha

PhD in History from the State University of Campinas. Lecturer in History at the University of São Paulo and Postdoctoral Studies at the Università di Roma and the University of São Paulo.


Julio Ponce Alberca


José Pedro Zúquete

Works at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. Zúquete was a visiting researcher at the Institute of Social and Political Studies at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ).


Julio Prada Rodríguez


José Ramón Rodríguez Lago 

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Vigo. He focused his research on the analysis of religious institutions and transnational networks in the 20th century.


Karl Schurster

Doctor of History. Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Seville.

Professor of Contemporary History at the Faculty of History of Ourense and coordinator of the HC1 research group.

Graduated in History at the University of Pernambuco (2005), Master in Social History of Regional Culture at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (2008), PhD in Comparative History at UFRJ with research internship at Freie Universität Berlin.


Lidiane Elizabete Friderichs


Lorena Soler


Lucia Grinberg

Graduated in History at the University of Rio Grande (2010) and Master in History at the Federal University of Pelotas (2013).

Professor of Social Change Processes in Latin America in the 21st Century, Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA.

Professor of Social Change Processes in Latin America in the 21st Century, Faculty of Social Sciences, UBA.


Luciano Aronne Abreu

Luis Edmundo de Souza Moraes

Luiz Mário Ferreira Costa

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in History at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGH / PUCRS).

PhD in History from the Center for Research on Anti-Semitism at the Technical University of Berlin. He is currently an Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of History and the Graduate Program in History at UFF.

PhD in History from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Researcher at the Political and Social History Laboratory (LAHPS / UFJF)


Marcos Paulo dos Reis Quadros

Graduated in Political Science, Specialist in History of Contemporary Brazil, Master and Doctor in Social Sciences (PUCRS / UCP-IEP - Lisbon).


María Eugenia Jung Garibaldi

Adjunct Professor (on a Full Dedication basis) in the Historical Research Area of the General Archive of the University of the Republic, Uruguay


Maria Inácia Rezola

PhD in History from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (specialty Institutional History and Contemporary Politics).


Marly de Almeida Gomes Vianna

Retired professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSC) and is currently a Postgraduate Professor in Brazilian History at the Salgado de Oliveira University (PPGHB / UNIVERSO).


Martin Vicente

Retired professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSC) and is currently a Postgraduate Professor in Brazilian History at the Salgado de Oliveira University (PPGHB / UNIVERSO).


Maurício Parada

Graduated in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense (1988), Master in Social History of Culture from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1994) and PhD in Social History from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2003).


Méri Frotscher

Associate Professor at the State University of Western Paraná, where she works in undergraduate and graduate courses in History.


Michelle Vasconcelos Oliveira do Nascimento

PhD and Master in Language Studies (UFRN); PhD student in History of Iberian and American Societies (PUCRS); Degree in Letters (UFRN); Bachelor of History (FURG);


Miguel Ángel Ruiz Carnicer

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Zaragoza and was a research fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences in 1994.


Misael Arturo López Zapico

Assistant professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the Autonomous University of Madrid.


Olga Echeverria

Adjunct Professor (Universidad Nacional del Centro de La Provincia de Buenos Aires). Assistant Researcher CONICET.


Olivier Compagnon

Professor of contemporary history at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Latin America, University of Paris-III-Sorbonne Nouvelle.


Pablo Ornelas Rosa


Paula Borges Santos


Paulo César Gomes

PhD in Contemporary History by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL).

Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). PhD in Social History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).


Pedro Ernesto Fagundes


Pedro Ivo Dias Tanagino


Rafael Athaídes

Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). PhD in Social History from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

PhD and Master in History from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), scholarship holder financed by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

He has a degree in History from the State University of Maringá (2004), a Masters in History from the same institution (2007) and a PhD in History from the Federal University of Paraná.


Rafael Machado Madeira

Adjunct professor at the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences at PUCRS.

Renata Duarte Simões

Professor at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). PhD in History of Education and Historiography from the University of São Paulo (USP) and Post-doctorate from USP

René Ernani Gertz

Doctor in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin - FUB, where he also did a postdoctoral internship.


Ricardo Figueiredo de Castro

PhD in Social History by UFF with a thesis on the Brazilian antifascist movement in the 1930s. Professor of Contemporary History at the UFRJ Institute of History.


Ricardo Mendes

Adjunct Professor of History of America in the Department of History and Coordinator of the Doctoral course of the Graduate Program in History at UERJ.


Rita Almeida de Carvalho

PhD in History from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He has participated in several research projects about the Estado Novo period, namely in the coordination of the Inventory of the Archives of the Ministry of Overseas.


Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira

Doctor of Science in Religion from UFJF. Professor of the Graduate Program in Religious Sciences at PPGCR-PUC-Minas.


Rodrigo Garcia Schwarz

Brazilian and Spanish, he is Judge of the 13th Labor Court of the South Zone of São Paulo, Doctor Professor of the Post-Graduation Program (Master) in Law of UNOESC.


Rodrigo Jurucê Mattos Gonçalves

Effective professor of the History course and the Graduate Program in History: Culture and Society, at the State University of Goiás (UEG).


Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta


Rodrigo Santos de Oliveira


Samantha Viz Quadrat


Alexandre Luís de Oliveira

Associate Professor of the History and Distance Education course at the Catholic University of Petrópolis - UCP. PhD in History from PUCRS.

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Aline Burni

Master in History (2015) and Doctorate student by the Graduate Program in History at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 

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Alfredo Alpini

Doctor in History (Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences, National University of La Plata, Argentina). Professor at the Instituto de Profesores Artigas (Montevideo, Uruguay).


Allony Rezende de Carvalho Macedo 

Master in History (2015) and Doctorate student by the Graduate Program in History at Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 


Álvaro Garrido

Full professor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra (FEUC) and current Director of the same Faculty.

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Ana Livia Esteves

She holds a master in Russian Foreign Policy from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) and is a PhD candidate in International Relations (IR) at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Russia.


Andrelise Gauterio Santorum

Aline Burni holds a PhD in Political Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Her thesis analyzed the effect of the rising electoral strength of populist radical right parties on immigration policies in Western European countries.


Ángela Pérez del Puerto

She has a PhD in Contemporary History from the Autonomous University of Madrid since 2015 and a PhD in Modern Foreign Languages ​​and Literature from the University of Tennessee since 2016.

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Anna Ortiz Borges Coelho

Lawyer and historian. PhD student in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and in History at the University of Vale dos Sinos with a CAPES scholarship.


António Costa Pinto

Coordinating Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. PhD by the European University Institute (Florence, 1992) and Aggregate by ISCTE (1999).


António Rafael Amaro

Professor Associado da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra. Coordenador do núcleo de História Económica e Social da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra.


Antônio Rago Filho

Full professor at Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André and full professor at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. PhD in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.

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Begoña Barrera

Associate Lecturer at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Seville (Spain). She holds an International Doctorate in Contemporary History (with distinction) by the same institution.


Boris Matías Grinchpun

BA in History, obtained in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), where he also finished his PhD thesis.


Borja Pérez Climent

Master in Secondary Education Professor (2020) and doctoral student in the History Doctorate Program at the University of Valencia.

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Bruno Ronchi

PhD student in Political Science at Université de Rennes I, with funding from the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation.


Camilo López Burian

Adjunct Professor of the Department of Political Science (Faculty of Social Sciences) and the Teaching Group of Politics and International Relations (Faculty of Law) of the University of the Republic (Uruguay).


Carlos André da Silva de Moura

Professor at the University of Pernambuco. Post-doctor and PhD in History at the State University of Campinas, with an internship as a visiting researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lisbon.


Carlos Benítez Trinidad

Professor in the American History Area at the Department of History at the University of Salamanca.


Carlos Domper Lasús

Postdoctoral fellow "Juan de la Cierva" at the History Department of the University of Zaragoza. He got his PhD in Comparative Political History (European Mention) from the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali "Guido Carl" in Rome.

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Carolina Rodriguez-Lopez

PhD. from the Complutense University of Madrid with extraordinary award (2001), before joining the Department of Modern History and Contemporary History at the Complutense University of Madrid in 2007, she was a postdoctoral fellow and researcher at the Carlos III University of Madrid between 2001 and 2007.

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Caroline Silveira Bauer

 Caroline Silveira Bauer is a professor at the Department of History at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.


Cláudia Maria Ribeiro Viscardi

Full Professor at the Department of History and at the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF).

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Cláudio Gonçalves Couto

Cláudio Gonçalves Couto is a political scientist with a master's and doctorate from the University of São Paulo. He is an associate professor in the Department of Public Management at FGV EAESP.

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Claudio Hernández Burgos

Associate Professor at the University of Granada. He holds a PhD from the University of Granada (2012). He has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Leeds and visiting fellow at the Università della Sapienza (Rome), the London School of Economics and the Universidad Autónoma (Madrid).

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Daniel Lvovich

 Daniel Lvovich holds a PHD in History from the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. He works as a professor at the Universidad Nacional de Sarmiento and as Principal researcher  of CONICET.


Daniel Estudante Protásio

Finished his post-doc in History at Universidade de Coimbra (2018). PHD in Contemporary Institutional and Political History by Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2009). 

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Daniele Serapiglia

Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Department of History, Theories and Political Geography of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid.


David Almstadter Mattar de Magalhães

Professor of International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC / SP) and at the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP).


David Nemer

He is a professor in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Virginia, USA.

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David Velázquez Seiferheld

Researcher at the National University of Villarrica del Espiritu Santo (Paraguay). Corresponding academic of the Paraguayan Academy of History. Founding member of the Paraguayan Committee of Historical Sciences (CPCH).


Denise Rollemberg

Full Professor of Contemporary History at the Institute of History and the Graduate Program in History at the Universidade Federal Fluminense.

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Diego Ramos

PhD in Social History (Territory, Power Relations and Social Movements) by the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ / FFP), awarded with a scholarship for FAPERJ research.


Diego Orgel dal Bosco Almeida

Postdoctoral Researcher in Education in the Graduate Program in Education at the University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC / Brazil).


Duncan Simpson

Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon (Marie Curie Fellow). PhD from King's College (London, 2011).


Eduardo Heleno de Jesus Santos

Associate Professor at the Institute for Strategic Studies at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Doctor in Political Science (2015).

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Elisa Fauth

PhD candidate at the PIUD-Hist, Centre for History of the University of Lisbon


Everton Fernando Pimenta

Professor of Philosophy of Basic, Technical and Technological Education (EBTT), at the Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais (IFNMG), campus Salinas-MG.


Fábio Chang de Almeida

History teacher at the Porto Alegre Municipal Education Network (PMPA).


Fabio Gentile

Associate professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), of which he is also deputy chief.


Federico Finchelstein

Associate Professor of History at New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College. In addition, he is the director of the Janey Latin American Studies program.


Fernanda Gallinari Sathler Mussi

PhD student and Master in History by the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF).


Fernando Perlatto  Bom Jardim

Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and the Graduate Program in History at the same institution.


Filipa Raimundo

Assistant professor in the Political Science Department at ISCTE-IUL and principal investigator of the FCT JUSTLY project Assessing and explaining the result of transitional justice in the world.

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Flávia Ferro

Associate professor in the Department of Social Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), of which he is also deputy chief.


Francisco Carlos Palomanes Martinho

Professor of Iberian History at the University of São Paulo.


Francisco Carlos Teixeira da Silva

PhD in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense with research internship at Universidade Livre Berlin.

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Francisco J. Leira Castiñeira

Francisco J.PhD in History from the University of Santiago de Compostela and is a postdoctoral researcher.

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Francisco Javier Muñoz Soro

Lecturer in the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.


Gabriel Onofre

Currently, he is a professor at Colégio Pedro II, acting as a professor of Basic Education and Graduate Studies.

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Gabriel Soares Predebon

Holds a master's degree in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2019). He has a degree (2021) and a bachelor's degree (2016) from the same university.


Gabriela Gomes

History professor at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and at the National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS).

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Gabriela Santi Pacheco

PhD candidate in Contemporary Studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on the 20th Century at the University of Coimbra (CEIS20/UC).


Geandra Denardi Munareto

Graduated in History at Federal University of Santa Maria. Has a PhD in History by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and is a post-doctoral fellow at State University of Maringá (UEM).


Gerardo Caetano

Doctor in History, National University of La Plata, Argentina. Academic Coordinator of the Political Observatory of the Institute of Political Science, University of the Republic (from 2005 to date).


Gilberto Grassi Calil

Associate Professor of the History Course and the Graduate Program in History at the State University of Western Paraná (UNIOESTE).

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Giulia Quaggio

After defending her PhD thesis at the University of Florence, she collaborated with the Department of History at the University of Sheffield (2017-2019) and the University of Modena (2019). Since 2020 she is a Ramón y Cajal researcher.


Gizele Zanotto

Associate Professor of Contemporary History in the Undergraduate History Program, and in the Graduate Program of History at University of Passo Fundo (UPF).


Guilherme Ignácio Franco de Andrade

Professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul.  PhD in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2019).

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Guillermo Fernandez Vazquez

Associate Professor of Political Science at the Carlos III University of Madrid.


Gustavo Alves Alonso Ferreira

Effective professor at UFPE in the Communication Course at the Department of Design at the Academic Center of Agreste / Caruaru.


Hernán Ramírez

Unisinos professor and CNPq researcher. PhD in History from UFRGS. He did postdoctoral studies in Political Science at IUPERJ.

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Helena Wakim Moreno 

PhD in Social History (2022) from the University of São Paulo


Hélgio Trindade

Doctor in Political Science from the Institut d´Etudes Politiques de Paris / Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne).

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Ismael Saz

Professor of Contemporary History at the Universitat de València. A former Research Fellow at the CSIC-Rome, he has been a Visiting Professor at the Queen Mary College-University of London as well as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan.


Javier Correa Morales

Professor and assistant researcher in the Department of American History and the Cultural Goods Technicatura at the Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación of the Universidad de la República.


Joan María Thomàs Andreu

Full Professor of Contemporary History at the Rovira i Virgili University since 1999.


Joana Brites

Assistant Professor of Art History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra (UC) and Integrated Researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century of the UC (CEIS20).

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João Elter Borges Miranda

Master in History from the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (2020), in which he studied the role of the MBL in the 2016 Coup.


José Ramón Rodríguez Lago 

Doctor in Contemporary History by the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC, September 2002)


João Fábio Bertonha

Associate Professor at the State University of Maringá. CNPq researcher. PhD in History from Unicamp.


José Szwako

Professor at the Political and Social Studies Institute (IESP-UERJ).

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Juan Carlos Ruiz Vasquez

Professor in the School of International, Politics and Urban Studies at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia. He holds a Ph.D. (DPhil) in politics from the University of Oxford UK.


Juan Luis Besoky

Professor in History and Doctor in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of the National University of La Plata.


José Pedro Zúquete

Researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Political scientist whose research focuses mainly on comparative politics, nationalism and leadership.


Julio Ponce Alberca

Doctor in History. Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Seville.


Julio Prada Rodríguez

Professor of Contemporary History at the Faculty of History of Ourense. He holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Vigo.


Karl Schurster

Researcher at the Laboratory of Present Time Studies - UPE. PhD in Comparative History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro / UFRJ with a research internship at Freie Universität Berlin.


Kostis Kornetis

Kostis Kornetis holds a PhD in History and Civilization from the European University Institute, Florence. 


Lenon Maschette

BA in History from the University of São Paulo. Master in History of Ideas at Birkbeck College and PhD candidate in Social History at University of São Paulo.


Leonardo Seabra Puglia

Professor at Faculdade Católica Salesiana, in Macaé-RJ, teaching in the Business Management  and Advertising graduate programs.


Lidiane Elizabete Friderichs

She is a substitute professor in the History course at the Federal University of Pelotas (2019-2021).


Lorena Soler

Professor of Social Exchange Processes in Latin America in siglo XXI, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA.

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Luah Tomas

PhD student in History at York University (Canada). Has a Master’s in International Relations from the Institute of International Relations at University of São Paulo (Brazil) and a Bachelor’s also in IR from the School of International Service at American University (USA).


Lucia Grinberg

Professor of the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).


Luciano Aronne Abreu

He is a professor at the Postgraduate Program in History at PUCRS and Editor-in-Chief at Editora Universitária da PUCRS (EDIPUCRS).

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Lucileide Costa Cardoso

Senior Visiting Professor (Autonomous University of Madrid, 2020). Post-doctorate in Contemporary History, (U. do Porto, 2016). PhD in Social History (USP, 2004).


Luis Edmundo de Souza Moraes

He is an Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of History and the Graduate Program in History at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).


Luis Herrán Ávila

PhD in Politics and History from the New School for Social Research.


Luiz Mário Ferreira Costa

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Seville. Doctor in History.

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Marco Aurélio Vannucchi

Professor at the School of Social Sciences at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (CPDOC- FGV). 


Marcos Paulo dos Reis Quadros

Collaborating professor and postdoctoral researcher in the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at PUCRS.


Maria Inácia Rezola

Integrated researcher at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC-FCSH / UNL) and Associate Professor at the Higher School of Social Communication at the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon.


María Eugenia Jung Garibaldi

Associate Professor of the Historical Research Area of the General Archive of the Udelar. PhD in Social and Human Sciences, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Master in Human Sciences, Rioplatense History Option, Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences, Udelar.

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Maria Visconti

 She is a Ph.D. candidate in History at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (beginning in 2018) with a dissertation on the narratives of the Nazis about themselves and the Third Reich in the Nuremberg Trial.

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Mario Sznajder

 PhD. Profesor Emérito de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén.


Marly de Almeida Gomes Vianna

Associate Professor of History, retired, Federal University of São Carlos. PhD in Social History from the University of São Paulo (USP).


Martin Vicente

Researcher at CONICET at IGEHCS / UNCPBA. PhD in Social Sciences (FSOC-UBA). Coordinates the Network of Interdisciplinary Studies on Rights (REIDER).


Matías Rodríguez Metral

Professor of Contemporary History at the Centro Regional de Profesores del Este, of the Consejo de Formación en Educación (ANEP-Uruguay). 


Maurício Parada

Graduated in History from Universidade Federal Fluminense (1988), Master in Social History of Culture from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1994),


Maximiliano Fuentes Codera

Doctor in Contemporary History and professor at the University of Girona, where he also directs the Walter Benjamin chair, Memory and Exile.


Mercedes F. López Cantera

Teaching: Faculty of Philosophy and Letters (regular), Faculty of Economic Sciences (interim Associate) and Common Basic Cycle - University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Mercedes Peñalba-Sotorrío

Senior lecturer in European Modern History at Manchester Metropolitan University.


Méri Frotscher

Associate Professor at the State University of Western Paraná (joined in 2003), where she works in Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in History - Master and Doctorate level.


Michelle Vasconcelos Oliveira do Nascimento

PhD in Language Studies (UFRN); PhD student in History of Iberian and American Societies (PUCRS).

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Miguel Ángel del Arco Blanco

Associate Professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the University of Granada. As visiting scholar he has been developing his research at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre (Rome, Italy), at University of Michigan (United States) and at The London School of Economics and Political Science (London).


Miguel Ángel Ruiz Carnicer

Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Zaragoza and was a Research Scholar at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences in 1994.


Misael Arturo López Zapico

Assistant professor in the Department of Contemporary History at the Autonomous University of Madrid. PhD from the University of Huelva (2012).


Nuno Simão Ferreira

Has a degree in History and European Studies. Master in Contemporary History.


Olivier Compagnon

Professor of contemporary history at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Latin America, University of Paris-III-Sorbonne Nouvelle.


Pablo Ornelas Rosa

He works as a permanent professor in the Graduate Programs in Political Sociology and Public Security at Universidade Vila Velha (UVV).


Paula Borges Santos

Principal investigator at NOVA FCSH. PhD in Contemporary History by NOVA FCSH (2012), with post-doctorate (2013-2019).


Pedro Ernesto Fagundes

Associate Professor of Brazilian History at the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Permanent professor at PPGHIS / UFES. He holds a doctorate in Social History (UFRJ).


Pedro Ivo Dias Tanagino

Scholarship holder of the National Post-Doctorate Program (CAPES-PNPD Scholarship) in the Post-Graduate Program in History at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PPGH-PUCSP).


Priscila Musquim Alcântara de Oliveira

Pedagogical mediator (face-to-face tutor) in the disciplines of Contemporary Historiography and History and Document of the History course (DE) at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Unirio).


Rafael Athaídes

Associate professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). PhD in History from the Federal University of Paraná.


Rafael Machado Madeira

Professor at the Graduate Program in Social Sciences at PUCRS. Member of the Brazilian Center for Research on Democracy - CBPD / PUCRS.

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Rai Vieira Soares

PhD student at the Graduate Program in Social Policy at the University of Brasília (PPGPS/UnB). Assistant Professor in the graduation course in Social Work at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) Miracema campus.


Renata Duarte Simões

Associate Professor at the Education Center of the Federal University of Espírito Santo / UFES. Vice-coordinator in the Graduate Program of Professional Masters in Education at the Education Center of UFES.


René Ernaini Gertz

Doctor in Political Science from the Free University of Berlin - FUB, with postdoctoral internship, at the same university.


Ricardo Figueiredo de Castro

Professor of Contemporary History at the Institute of History of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies in the Present Time


Ricardo Mendes

Associate Professor of History of America in the Department of History and Coordinator of the Doctoral course of the Postgraduate Program in History at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).


Rita Almeida de Carvalho

PhD in History from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has participated in several research projects about the Estado Novo period, namely in the coordination of the Inventory of the Archives of the Ministry of Overseas.


Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira

Professor at Postgraduate Program in Religious Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, working in the line of research Religion and Contemporaneity.

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Rodrigo Christofoletti

It works at the interface between History and International Relations with a focus on cultural heritage and Political History of the Right. He is the leader of the research group Cnpq - Heritage and International Relations.


Rodrigo Garcia Schwarz

Permanent Professor of PPGD (Academic Master in Fundamental Human Rights) at Centro Universitário FIEO - UNIFIEO


Rodrigo Jurucê Mattos Gonçalves

Professor of the Graduate Program in History at the State University of Goiás (UEG / PPGHIS).


Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta

Full Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and CNPq 1D researcher. Conducted postdoctoral studies and served as a visiting professor-researcher at the University of Maryland (2006-2007).


Rodrigo Santos de Oliveira

Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and editor of Revista Historiae.

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Rosa Maria Pardo Sanz

Full professor in the Department of Contemporary History (Faculty of Geography and History) of the UNED, which she now directs.


Samantha Viz Quadrat

Associate Professor of History of Contemporary America, Department of History, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).


Samuel Torres Bueno

Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in History within the Postgraduate Program in History at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).


Sara Martín Gutiérrez

PhD in Contemporary History from the Complutense University of Madrid with a European mention from the Università degli Studi di Firenze (2017).

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Sho Muto

Professor of European Political History at School of Law and Politics of Kwansei Gakuin Univeristy (Hyogo, Japan).

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Stephane Boisard

I am currently a full-time professor of Contemporary Latin American History at the J.F.


Steven Forti

Research Fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History of the NOVA University of Lisbon and Lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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Tania Hernández Vicencio

She is currently a professor-researcher art he Direction of Historical Studies of the National Institute of Anthropology and History, where she has also been Deputy Director of the Contemporary History Area.


Tatiana Poggi

Associate Professor of Contemporary History at the Department of History and the Graduate Program in Social History at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).


Tatiana Vargas Maia

Coordinator and professor of the Bachelor in International Relations, coordinator and professor of the Degree and Bachelor of History at La Salle University.


Tatyana de Amaral Maia

Associate professor of the History course and the Postgraduate Program in History at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul.


Teresa María Ortega López

Doctor in Contemporary History at the University of Granada and Professor at the same University.

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Vicent Sanz

Teaching Contemporary History at the Universitat Jaume I.

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Vinícius Bivar

DAAD doctoral fellow and PhD candidate in Modern History at the Freie Universität Berlin.


Vinícius da Silva Ramos

PhD in History from the Universidade do Estado Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).


Vitória Almeida Machado

Graduated in History at Faculdade Porto-alegreense (FAPA). Master degree in History from the Pontifical University Catholic of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)


Werner Bonefeld

Professor in the Department of Politics at York University (United Kingdom). Before going to York, he taught at the Universities of Edinburgh and Frankfurt.


Xosé M. Núñez Seixas

Full professor of Contemporary History at the Department of History of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia).

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Zoé de Kerangat

Postdoctoral researcher Margarita Salas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). PhD in Contemporary History (UAM/CSIC).




Laboratório de História Política e Social
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora 
Instituto de Ciências Humanas – ICH 
Juiz de Fora – MG – Brasil

Núcleo de Estudos Contemporâneos

Universidade Federal Fluminense

Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Filosofia - ICHF

Campus do Gragoatá, bloco N, sala 216

Niterói – RJ – Brasil


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THIS PORTAL IS FINANCED WITH RESOURCES OF THE E-26 / 202.700 / 2018 - Young Scientist of Our State / FAPERJ.

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